Demonstrate how to test the BATTERIES by monitoring off and on load conditions   

Perform daily and weekly test on DSC CONTROLLER   

Check all printers for adequate supply of PRINTER PAPER    

Complete initial GMDSS LOG BOOK entries (Daily Tests, Ships Details, Position)

 Programme  the NAVTEX receiver with appropriate station’s for the planned voyage (Uses ALRS Vol 5 for Transmitters)
 Programme the NAVTEX receiver with appropriate messages for the planned voyage (Uses ALRS Vol 5 for Message types)
Logs in INMARSAT ‘C’ to appropriate satellite to receive MSI for current position (Uses ALRS Vol 5 map and table)
Programmed INMARSAT ‘C’ ECG receiver for reception of MSI for next Navarra on the voyage. (Uses ALRS Vol 5 map and table)
 Programmed INMARSAT ‘B’ for appropriate Satellite and Default Routine/Distress LES or Fleet F77 for appropriate Satellite and Default LES-(Please circle equipment used)
  MONTHLY TESTS 10.v Demonstrate routine test on GMDSS VHF HANDHELD RADIO 
Perform routine checks on GMDSS VHF HANDHELD RADIO (Battery expiry date, unbroken seal)
 Perform routine checks on EPIRB (Battery expiry date, HRU, Lanyard, condition of seawater contacts)
Demonstrate test procedure on EPIRB (any one of two, chosen by examiner)
Describe manual activation on EPIRB  (any one of two, chosen by examiner)
Perform routine checks on SART (Security lock, lanyard, pole, battery date)
Demonstrate test procedure on SART (any one of two, chosen by examiner)
 Describe manual activation on SART (any one of two, chosen by examiner)

ON PASSAGE-ROUTINE COMMUNICATIONS-Refer to Map 0 1 2 Using appropriate documents, select the correct VHF working channel for the local shore authorities (Uses ALRS Vol 6 for shore authority)   

Adjust transmitter output power on VHF (States purpose of high and low power settings)   

Set volume and squelch for optimum performance on the VHF     

Adjust the dimmer/contrast control on VHF 
 Select a working channel and demonstrate dual watch facility on the VHF 
Using appropriate documents demonstrate a routine ship to ship call using VHF or MF DSC given the ships name  (Please alternate between candidates and indicate which equipment is to be used)
 Using appropriate documents, demonstrate selection of correct HF RT ITU Channel for communication with a given coast station for a given position and time (Examiner to provide Coast Station details, Range and Day or Night conditions)
Correctly adjust the MF/HF RECEIVER for reception of a live signal (Using RF gain/AGC if fitted, AF Gain and Clarifier controls) 
Adjust output power of MF/HF TRANSMITTER 
Send a routine text message to a given destination on INMARSAT’C’ 
ON PASSAGE-(Distress Relay Communications-On Scene Coordinator)-Refer to Map 

Programme a manual VHF DSC distress relay to vessels in the vicinity (Not relay of previously stored DSC alert)

Select Channel 16 on VHF transceiver    

Select 2182 kHz on MF RT transceiver (Must use 2182 kHz button if fitted)

Explain or indicate how to send distress relay communications to an RCC by voice or text using INMARSAT ‘B’ or FLEET F77 (Please circle equipment used)

ON PASSAGE (Urgency & Safety Communications) – Refer to Map 34. cvm Programmed the MF DSC Controller to transmit a ship to ship Geographic/Area call using the correct Priority indicator. (Please circle task number chosen 1 2 3 4)

Using a pre-saved message (if text) and special access code, demonstrate Procedure to send an urgency message using INMARSAT ‘C’ or INMARSAT ‘B’/FLEET F77- For:- (Please circle equipment used) (Please circle task number chosen 4 5 6 )

Using a pre-saved message (if text) and special access code, demonstrate Procedure to send a safety messages using INMARSAT ‘C’ or INMARSAT ‘B’/FLEET F77- For:- (Please circle equipment used) (Please circle task number chosen 1 2 3 )
ON PASSAGE (Own Distress Communications) – Refer to Map 
The Navigational Feed to the DSC equipment has failed. Manually programmed the DSC Controller for your current position and time

The Navigational Feed to the INMARSAT ‘C’ equipment has failed. Manually pregame the INMARSAT ‘C’ system for you current position and time

Demonstrate how to send an undesignated distress alert using DSC  (Must know one and two button method. Grey box if only method known)

Using given information programme the HF DSC CONTROLLER with all appropriate Information prior to sending a designated distress alert

Demonstrate how to send an undesignated distress alert using INMARSAT ‘C’  (Must know one and two button method. Grey box if only one method known)

Demonstrates how to send a designated Distress Alert using INMARSAT ‘C 

Transmit a Distress Priority Message using INMARSAT ‘C’ (Minimum typing speed required 50cpm)

Demonstrate how to cancel a false alert using INMARSAT ‘C’. Use a pre-saved message 
Demonstrate or describe how to acknowledge a repeating DSC Distress Alert when instructed to do so by the MRCC

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